Minnesauke PTA
Why PTA?
Your child benefits when you get involved with the PTA!
Your membership dues and donations help fund PTA programs and events that are not available through the regular Minnesauke school budget. Some examples are:
EVENTS/PROGRAMS: Field Trips, Assemblies, Color Run, Field Day, Multicultural Fair, Staff Appreciation Week, Spring Fling, Ice Cream Socials, Family PIcnic & Movie Nights, Winter Ice Skating Festival, Kindergarten Playdate, Teacher Grants, 6th Grade Events, and more
FUNDRAISING /DONATIONS: Holiday Fair, Plant Sale, Basket Raffle Soiree, Prestige Gift Wrap, Square One Art, Theatre Club Performance, Family Connect Nights, Dine & Donates, and more
To join the PTA, please click the green button above or fill out this form and send it via backpack express to the attention of Nina Baker, PTA.
Questions? Contact Nina Baker, Treasurer