Minnesauke PTA
President's Volunteer Service Award
Congratulations on your decision to participate in the President’s Volunteer Service Award program!
This award acknowledges students who volunteer their time for community service. The purpose of community service is to renew your commitment to help others and to make new connections that bring us closer together as neighbors, communities, and as a nation. The goal is to recognize and honor volunteers who set a standard for service, encourage sustained commitment to civic participation, and inspire others.
You will be asked to document your service activities between April 1, 2024, and March 31, 2025. In June 2025, the Three Village Teachers Association and the Three Village PTA will host a ceremony to acknowledge your service. We welcome any pictures of your child working on a volunteer project and will provide instructions for sharing them.
The official and required log (Pages 7-10 of the log and guidlines document) is the only acceptable log. Please accurately document your hours as you serve, print this log, and clearly write your hours, providing as many details as possible, which will be considered and reviewed by the committee.
Friday, April 4th, 2025
Completed logs must be printed (not emailed) and submitted to your building Main Office on Friday, April 5th, 2024, by the time the buses leave your school. Late logs cannot and will not be accepted after this deadline; no exceptions will be made. It is your responsibility to contact your chairperson if you do not receive confirmation of receipt of your log by April 19th.